
Showing posts from September, 2014

2014 Review: Fright Manor

We were able to squeeze another haunt in over the weekend, so we ventured on over to  Fright Manor , one of Indy's longest running haunted house attractions.  The south side convenience was a huge plus with Fright Manor's location. Upon arriving, something that immediately stuck out to me that they were showing movie clips from horror movies through a projector, behind the concession stand. Note: All individual attractions are reviewed individually. Zombie Alley We kicked off our Fright Manor experience by entering Zombie Alley, a live-action first person shooter that puts you in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.  After you're read the rules, you're then handed a shotgun and a backpack and let loose into the war-torn abyss. The attraction was well-designed but lacked the exotic detail that I'd expect from a haunt with such history.  We were attacked by zombies from seemingly every turn imaginable, which was awesome, to say the least. As for sound an...

2014 Review: FriteLodge Haunted House

FriteLodge Haunted House Now in its sixth season, we finally got a chance to make our way out to Acton, Indiana to check out FriteLodge Haunted House !  Coming from the south side of Indianapolis, Acton was just a quick trip down Southport Road, hanging a right onto Acton and then a quick left into the parking lot of the Pleasant Masonic Lodge, which is home to FriteLodge. As we pulled into the driveway, the first thing I noticed was a large majority of the actors hanging out in plain sight just outside the building.  I didn't put too much thought into it because the night was still young (we arrived at around 7:45 PM) and it was opening night so business isn't quite booming -- just yet.  That, and that sweet hearse (pictured up top) was a real head-turner -- I couldn't help but snap a photo. I don't make a convincing severed head. We gladly paid our $10 donation (FriteLodge is a non-profit organization that greatly helps the town of Acton) and made our ...

Sponsored By Sequel Buzz

We're happy to announce that Sequel Buzz is now an official sponsor of Haunted House Indy! For all the latest on movie sequels, prequels and remakes, head on over!

2014 Review: Niles Haunted House Scream Park

Ah, welcome to the 2014 Halloween haunt season!  Here at Haunted House Indy, we found it only to kick off the year by visiting our neighbors to the north in Niles, Michigan -- Niles Haunted House Scream park! So after what ended up being a four-hour drive up to Niles from the Southside of Indianapolis, we were greeting by a few of the many wonderful that help make the Scream Park such a success every year.  And our experience went a little something like this... Note: All individual attractions are reviewed individually. Niles Haunted House We first ventured into the Niles Haunted House; and truthfully, it never disappoints.  Ever.  You almost have to go through it several times just to take in the elaborate set designs and the tiny little details that are surely to be missed, especially if you're navigating with your eyes closed! One of the things that stands out with the Niles Haunted House is its length.  This isn't your typical "pay $20...

Cedar Rock Haunted Trail

Are you prepared? Are you willing to take the challenge? Join us for the longest Haunted Trail in the Midwest....and Scare Fest... Location 5163 IN 135 Morgantown, IN46160 Phone 855-HAUNT-13 Website Cedar Rock Haunted Trail

Hall's Haunted Halls

Hall’s Haunted Halls is owned and operated by the Hall Civic Association located at 5955 W Hurt Rd in Monrovia, IN. It is operated for the purpose of providing quality entertainment for the The Hall School Housecommunity and surrounding areas. All proceeds developed from this Haunted Attraction are used exclusively for preserving and maintaining the Historic, Hall School house which is listed on the National Historic Register. The original building has over 6,000 sq. ft. dedicated to The Haunted House which has been in operation for four years. Each year has been very successful and attracts many visitors each October during the Halloween season. It has been reported that this is one of the best and scariest Haunted Attractions in the state. To visit the Hall Civic Association website, please click this link: . Location 5955 W. Hurt Rd. Monrovia, IN 46157 Phone 317-430-8023 Website Hall's Haunted Halls