2017 Review: FriteLodge Haunted House

We finally got around to venturing out and visiting FriteLodge Haunted House for the 2017 season. We were bummed that we couldn't make it out for the 2016 haunt season. But that's all bee corrected! Don't Go in the Basement Their theme for this year is a spooky basement one. And once again, the room designs are out of this world. I've never made it a secret that FriteLodge goes above and beyond in their decor, so I'll keep pounding that fact home. The actors, despite being volunteers, do a pretty good job of bringing their respected scenes to life and doing the best they can to conjure up a scare. There are two rooms that stand tall above the rest this year, and those are the snow room and the water room. The snow room is incredible. Not only are there frosted pine trees, but it's literally snowing in the inside. And second is the water room, where it looks and feels like you're wading through water (it's all a clev...